Frequently Asked Questions

Is the farm organic?
We have chosen to be a Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) farm. CNG is a grassroots movement made up of farmers who respect, implement, and even helped write the original national organic standards. These standards have been enforced by the federal government with the influence of big agribusiness in a way that may meet the letter of the rule but not the intent. As a farmer with 13 years experience, I have seen my own inspections done by WSDA turn mostly to confrontational conversations about paperwork and if I'm paying enough in fees. My hope in moving over to CNG is to learn from other farmers how to better meet the intention behind the same standards I have always met. If you have any questions please let me know and be sure to check out CNG at

The garlic seed we grow is still certified organic by the WSDA, whose website offers lots of information about WSDA organic certification.
Do you have recipes to share?
We have put together a list of our favorite cookbooks.